The Connect4Cancer Student Advocacy Program provides high school students with the opportunity to be heard in the cancer community and become their own advocates. Annually, we host high school students who have been affected by pediatric cancer or had an interest in getting involved in the C4C cancer community.
The C4C Student Advocacy Program sponsors high school students from around the country to Capitol Hill for a two day program. During the program, students learn from a variety of speakers about pediatric cancer, the process of passing legislation, the process of FDA drug approval, and activism. Throughout the program, students go on tours of the Capitol, including both the Senate and Congressional buildings. Students have the opportunity to meet with their district's congressional staff. At the end of the second day, the students are taught how to start and run a High School Cancer Awareness Club. The C4C Student Advocacy Program is the only program that provides high school students who are passionate about cancer advocacy with the opportunity to meet other like-minded students and learn how to become cancer advocates for both their communities and their generation.
We are looking to expand participation and program opportunities for the future. Following this program, we continue to support students in creating Cancer Awareness Clubs at their high schools, providing them with both apparel and C4C's Cancer Awareness Club Toolkit. If you have any questions, please contact
One of the students, Gavin Morrison, shares his experience below:
I really enjoyed meeting with congressional staff representatives and most importantly the incredible people involved in this program. This program has it all.
The Connect4Cancer Program really is the ultimate experience for any teenage cancer advocate. From meeting people who are fighting for the same cancer issues as you to meeting people with completely different initiatives you really do get to see all sides in the battle against childhood cancer.
With the guidance of incredible instructors any high school student can and will take something of value away from this experience that they can bring home and use to advocate in their own communities.